Author: Alessio Romito

  • Camino ’24: Day 24

    Camino ’24: Day 24

    Today we crossed the 100 km mark. We are only four days away from Santiago! As a matter of fact, our room for the night is just after the first mojone (milestone) with a distance to Santiago which is smaller than 100 km. It’s nice to see that all our efforts are starting to pay…

  • Camino ’24: Day 23

    Camino ’24: Day 23

    Solid day today. We did our 20+ km stage without any significant issue, which feels like great news. It ain’t much, but it’s honest work. We started off well with a good breakfast at our albergue. Strategically, it featured some coffee for Laura. You could definitely tell she was walking better today after that. The…

  • Camino ’24: Day 22

    Camino ’24: Day 22

    Today was a good day. We walked without too many issues (besides Laura not getting a coffee in the morning because all the bars were closed) and arrived at around 2 PM at our destination: Abadín. I had to be careful about my knee, but overall it didn’t hurt almost at all. This put me…

  • Camino ’24: Day 21

    Camino ’24: Day 21

    Today was sunny and hot, with almost no towns in between our start and finish points, and we had two big hills to cross. Not a great recipe. We started out well in the morning, taking advantage of the cool temperatures and shade provided by the ever loved eucalyptus trees. Their pleasant and balsamic smell…

  • Camino ’24: Day 20

    Camino ’24: Day 20

    Despite what Guillermo said two days ago, today did not, in fact, go better. My knee still hurts. What has changed, however, was my attitude towards this lingering pain. Yesterday I was annoyed, today I decided to accept it as an uninvited companion in our journey. Today went better in the sense that I started…