Author: Alessio Romito

  • Camino ’24: Day 19

    Camino ’24: Day 19

    It was a nice feeling to do a normal stage today. Just a normal 20 km stage, not too short and not too ambitious, with a normal profile, an average climb and an average descent. What made it “not normal” was my lingering pain in the left knee. It’s still there. The masseur who helped…

  • Camino ’24: Day 18

    Camino ’24: Day 18

    On the Camino you have to listen to your body. That’s one of the most important rules you either trust to respect from the beginning, or learn to do so at your own expense sooner or later. But what can one do when his body sends him mixed signals? That was the case for me…

  • Camino ’24: Day 17

    Camino ’24: Day 17

    Today we decided to take a full day of rest and try to go to the beach. It rained. I finally swallowed my pride and bought a knee pad, since I could feel the pain rising as soon as I did some movement that was different from just walking, especially when descending steps or going…

  • Camino ’24: Day 16

    Camino ’24: Day 16

    What are our knees good for, anyways? I’m sure we can all spare one, since we have two of them. Today was a proving day for our capability to walk a full stage, and a difficult one at that.  The verdict was clear: not ready yet. My pain from yesterday is still there. We had…

  • Camino ’24: Day 15

    Camino ’24: Day 15

    It looks like we can’t make all of our 4 knees work at the same time, for some reason. Today it was me who got the short end of the stick. After lunch, what started out as a normal feeling of soreness or strain blossomed into a painful series of jolts every time I tried…