Despite what Guillermo said two days ago, today did not, in fact, go better. My knee still hurts.
What has changed, however, was my attitude towards this lingering pain. Yesterday I was annoyed, today I decided to accept it as an uninvited companion in our journey.
Today went better in the sense that I started to work around my pain, knowing when to limp and when to walk normally. By trial and error, I might have also found the best way to wear the knee pad in order to limit the movement of the parts that hurt me most.
This worked better than I expected, allowing me to avoid the worst of the pain that I suffered in the previous days.
The good news of the day, however, is that we finally entered Galicia. We did this by crossing a highway bridge that is more than 600 m long and a few dozen meters high. It wasn’t that bad, until you looked down.
The town of Ribadeo welcomed us at the Galician end of the bridge, where we stopped for a quick (non-alcoholic) Estrella Galicia to celebrate. It felt good.
After that we bought some supplies, including a big slice of empanada, and carried on with our walk.
Getting to Galicia lifted my spirits. Laura is feeling quite alright and we’re planning how best to reach Santiago.
Tonight we’re staying at a small hotel and restaurant around 8 km away from Ribadeo.
Overall, we’re less than 190 km away from our end goal, and we are trying to avoid any long stage so that we can enjoy the walk despite our troubles.
I hope that I can keep working around my left knee.
If that means limping all the way to Santiago, so be it. It will be worth it.